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Epidote Enterprise Management Solutions (E²MS)

Enterprise Resource Planning Systems or commonly known as ERP systems have been around for many years now.  As business’s started focusing on continuous improvement, implementing lean manufacturing or the practice of ‘Kaizen’- (Japanese for improvement), the need for Management Information Systems became critical. ERP systems have been implemented by large corporations to improve the quality of gathering information, analyzing critical data inputs, controlling the flow and allocation human resources, in short controlling all inputs to the business to become globally competitive and profitable.
Epidote Enterprise Management Solutions (E²MS) modules include:

  • Inventory Control
  • Order and Product Tracking
  • Asset Management using RFID and Bar Code
  • Time and Attendance
  • Payroll
  • Accounting
  • Purchasing
  • Sales Management
  • Work Flow Management
  • Management Information Systems

(E²MS) is step-by-step implementation, making it financially viable and operationally sustainable. This allows access for medium and small business companies to implement ERP solutions. Epidote experts develop a key metrics for measurement and management information systems, by understanding their clients business.  Depending on the clients business operations Epidote will advise clients on what they believe are the steps to implementing an ERP System.
Epidote has developed and implemented various modules that progressively take a customer to the path of finally implementing an ERP system.  Epidote implementation team will train and support clients to engage and support the ERP system in house.
Other modules are available depending on the clients requirement.